This Girl On The Price Is Right Who Describes Herself As "A Student Of Education In College" Is Going Places



via uproxx



Yes!  College, baby!  Now I realize that this chick is probably an Education major in college and studying to be a teacher or whatever.  That’s what education majors do, right?  But the way she described it made it seem like she was just like,” I’m in college to learn!  For education!  Any and all education!  Nothing exact!” and that’s tremendous.  She answered that question like a 7 year old would if you asked them about what college is.  I go there to learn an education!  In her defense, education is why a person goes to college.  It’s just she picked the weirdest possible way to describe her major.  Pretty sure the thought of “Are you fucking kidding me?  This is our youth?” was going through Drew Carey’s head and that’s what made him laugh so hard right in her face.  At the end of the day, none of this matters for this girl.  She’s gonna be fine because she’s bubbly and likable.  Be bubbly and likable with a college degree as a girl and things are gonna work out just fine.  Or maybe they won’t.  That’s life.