Princeton Students Trying To Cancel Big Sean Spring Concert Performance Because His Lyrics Promote Misogyny

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PRINCETONPrinceton University students are petitioning to have rapper Big Sean dropped as the main act of an upcoming concert paid for by the school’s student government.

Students Duncan Hosie and Rebecca Basaldua told The Daily Princetonian, the university’s student newspaper, that they researched Big Sean’s lyrics after hearing him repeat a misogynistic phrase in a promotional video for the May 3 spring Lawnparties show.

The students then created the petition, which alleges Big Sean’s songs promote misogyny and “rape culture.” The petition has more than 500 signatures, Hosie told The Princetonian, and asks the school’s Undergraduate Student Government to rescind its offer to the Grammy-nominated rapper.

Student government officials said it’s too late to make any changes to the May 3 main act.

“The contracts are signed and it’s unrealistic to stop this from happening,” Undergraduate Student Government social committee chair Simon Wu told The Princetonian.

The USG originally had a $50,000 budget for the Lawnparties main act but needed another $15,000 to land Big Sean, The Princetonian reported earlier this year. The selection was praised by some students, including one who noted that students from various backgrounds listen to Big Sean’s music, according to the report.

Basaldua is an editor of “Equal Rights,” a blog about feminism and gender issues at Princeton, according to The Princetonian. Hosie generated national attention in 2012 when he challenged Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia at Princeton on parallels he drew between banning sodomy and banning bestiality, murder and incest.

Hmmm what Big Sean song do you think these students heard that upset them? Maybe this one?

I don’t fuck with you
You little stupid ass bitch, I ain’t fuckin’ with you
You little, you little dumb ass bitch, I ain’t fuckin’ with you
I got a million trillion things I’d rather fuckin’ do
Than to be fuckin’ with you
Little stupid ass, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck
I don’t I don’t I don’t give a fuck
Bitch I don’t give a fuck about you or anything that you do
Don’t give a fuck about you or anything that you do

Kind of funny thinking about a room full of feminists sitting around a conference table researching Big Sean then clicking Play on this song on YouTube. I know it’s not possible for a head to literally spontaneously explode, but like, this had to be close. petition couldn’t get written up and spread around fast enough. Sorry Princeton, but your Lawnparties headliner is as good as cancelled at this point. Get excited for…a performer who has never once had a lyric that could be construed as “promoting rape culture” by social justice warriors. Can’t even think of one off the top of my head, but enjoy.