It's Happening: Jamie Foxx Is Officially Set To Play Mike Tyson In An Upcoming Biopic

Source - The actor, 52, confirmed the movie was in the works while on Mark Birnbaum's Instagram Live series Catching Up on Wednesday in which he said, "It's a definitive yes."

The Oscar-winning star said he was eager to show audiences the "different lives" of the iconic boxer. "We want to show everybody evolves," Foxx said. "I think when we lay the layer of Mike Tyson in this story, I think everybody from young and old will be able to understand this man's journey."

Foxx also touched on how he'd approach playing Tyson saying, "And then just the technology of how I'm gonna look, I guarantee you people will run up on me in the street, and ask for autographs, and think that I'm Mike."

In the words of Kenny Powers, "finally motherfucker." This movie was first rumored to be green-lit all the way back in 2014 with Martin Scorsese on board to direct then essentially dropped off the map until this week when Jamie Foxx leaked it in an interview. Personally, I can't wait. Jaime Foxx is already bulking up to play the role so you know he's committed.

Here's what he had to say about his physical transformation:

He continued, "Every other day, I do 60 pull-ups, we do 60 dips, we do 100 push-ups. I ain't got no calf muscles, so we might have to get some prosthetics for that."

Foxx says he'll be 216 pounds when shooting begins (he starts as young Mike) -- and then to play Old Mike, he'll "balloon to 225, 230 which will look like 250 on screen."

He gave an interview to HOT 97 in 2015 where he describes the opening scene that's been going reviral since this news broke…

Goosebump city. I have really high expectations for two reasons- one is because it's about Mike Tyson and two is becuase Jamie Foxx is involved. Remember how good he was in Ray? Hopefully COVID doesn't get in the way of production because I'd love to see this in the next year or two. It's gonna be great.