If The Mavericks Are Smart They Will Unleash Boban In Orlando

While this might not seem like a big deal, when you look closer at the big man depth of the Mavericks it's actually a fairly decent blow. Remember, they already lost Dwight Powell for the year with a blown achilles, and they went and got WCS at the trade deadline to help solidify that frontcourt. He played 13 games as a Mav and shot 68% from the floor, showing some good chemistry with Luka & Co

For what it's worth, in P&R situations WCS ranked in the 93rd percentile as a roll man averaging 1.46 points per play in his appearances in DAL. That's pretty important considering the Mavs run plays for the roll man with the 5th highest frequency in the league. You then look at their potential playoff schedule and a 2/7 matchup with the Clippers who have a shit ton of size, and not having WCS matters. But this is what we're going to continue to see all around the league. Of course it makes sense that he's around for the birth of his child and not in the bubble. 

So what does this mean? Well if the Mavs are smart it means we're going to see a whole lot more of Boban.

his conditioning may be shit, but for the limited minutes that Boban is on the floor he might be one of the most unstoppable forces the league has. You look at his Per36's and it's pure dominance

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The thing is, he's never averaged more than 13 minutes a night in any season of his career. For the Mavs he's playing just 9.1 this season. But you look at their depth chart and they really don't have that many other options. Max Kleber has already moved into the starting lineup at the 4, and they really don't have anyone else left that plays a traditional big spot. I imagine they'll be in the big man market now that WCS is out (maybe Beasley?)

but all I know is Boban can absolutely be a problem in Orlando. Post play is going to be so important as guys get back into rhythm that being able to just dump it down to Boban so he can dunk on everyone's head is a no brainer move. Think of the rim protection that comes with a Boban/Porzingis front court. You have Porzingis on the floor to take his man out of the paint and then you have some poor bastard on an island with Boban on the block. That seems pretty unstoppable. 

It's just a fact that life is better when we have more Boban on the floor. The fact that he is actually pretty good is what makes it even better. I don't know how they figure out the conditioning part, but maybe that won't be a factor because everyone will be out of shape to start. It has to be exhausting to try and defend that man in the post, so if he gets an increased role I sneaky like the Mavs chances.