Wake Up With Brad Stevens Getting Buckets

What, you thought Brad Stevens was just a dashing smile, an ATO genius, and one of the best coaches in the NBA? Shame on you. Well, he is all those things, but he's also the owner of one of the most lethal jump shots the internet has ever seen. Steph Curry just watched that video and is filled with a jealous rage because now I'm not so sure we can call him the greatest shooter to ever live. I mean Brad gave us the full arsenal in that minute clip. He has the range from deep, he's clearly king of the midrange, and he even has a nice little floater game while being able to finish at the rim and make a layup. That's ironic because the team he now coaches cannot make a layup to save their lives. 

That form though. BEEF like you read about. Of course Brad Stevens would have a flawless textbook shooting form. Not only that, but after seeing his ability to destroy defenses it's also no surprise that he's a point guard whisperer. Doesn't matter if it's Jordan Crawford, Isaiah Thomas, Kyrie Irving, or now Kemba. Brad gets his hands on a scoring point guard and they go up another level. All he has to do is show them his old highlights and its instant respect. 

Admit it, you were a little impressed watching that video. Don't be jealous that Brad has a better jumper than you, it's better than 99.9% of people walking this earth.