Tom Brady Probably Caused 100,000 Divorces With This Facebook Post







I just shed a tear reading that. Truly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter what Tom Brady sets his mind to, he dominates it. Football, facebook, loving his wife, whatever. If Tom Brady is going to put an ounce of effort into it then he’s going to be the best ever at it. Seriously try and think about it. Have you ever said anything as remotely loving as that? You ever have your girlfriend just ask you to say something “sweet” to her? Did anything CLOSE to this come to mind? Typically I’d knock a guy like this for making the rest of us look bad, but I can’t even blame Tom. Greatness just comes naturally to him. Tom Brady caused your wife to resent your lack of love, it might lead to a fight that will lead to a divorce. And you can’t even fault him for it. He’s just that perfect. #GOAT #thebestisyettocome