The Fact That People Are Defending This Fat Pig Tow Truck Employee Vs. Britt McHenry Is Insane To Me


So this Britt McHenry story has gone crazy viral. I got to say I’m shocked how many people are throwing stones at glass houses here. Everybody saying Britt showed her true colors. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! As I said from the jump anybody who has any sympathy for tow truck company employees either is insane or never had their car towed. They are the lowest form of scum on the earth. They deserve this tongue lashing 1,000 percent of the time. Not to mention the fact the video was clearly edited so we have no idea what was being said to Britt.

And spare me that the “clerk” had nothing to do with it. This isn’t some secretary at a Fortune 500 company. Tow Truck companies are almost always family businesses. The fat bitch working the desk is either a sister or wife or incest to the guy who towed Britt. They are all in cahoots. Yeah I get that sometimes you deserve to get towed. Sometimes it’s your fault. But the company who towed her is literally known to be the biggest scumbags on the planet. Check out their Yelp reviews.   Or how about the fact they are in the news right now for towing LEGALLY parked cars with children and dogs still inside of them.  Plus I’m sure this fat chick that EVERYBODY is complaining about on Yelp was extra rude to Britt because Britt is hot and fat chicks hate hot chicks. So the fact the internet is saying shit like “Remember the Golden Rule” and “Always treat everybody with respect” is insane.  Fake mock outrage at it’s finest. Tow Truck people don’t deserve respect. They aren’t even real humans. To judge Britt McHenry for being an asshole in this video is insane. I don’t care what she said. She was trying to be mean and rightfully so. If you side with the Tow Truck company you’re worse than Satin. Facts only.



UPDATE – ESPN Suspended Britt for 1 week.   The Pussification of America at it’s finest.   Stephan A Smith didn’t get suspended this fast when he said that women need to be better at not provoking domestic violence on air.  Ray Rice got 2 weeks for knocking out his girlfriend.  Somehow Britt got 1 week for being mean to a tow truck employee.   GIVE ME A BREAK!   #freebrittmchenry.