The Yankees Were Out Hitting BOMBS Tonight And That Brought Actual Joy To My Heart

BOMBS. The Yankees were out hitting absolute tank shots tonight against the Mets. Judge twice, Gary to the moon, Voit to dead center, and Stanton's half way up the bleachers. Sure, it's exhibition and doesn't count but it was still fucking awesome. Like legit genuine happiness filled my heart watching those balls fly this evening, especially Stanton's off Chasen Shreve. Sure it's a little sad to get excited from this, but hey this year has been so shitty so spare me. Feasting my eyes on baseball this weekend was incredible. 

To be honest, it feels like you're watching a normal game. You don't really notice there aren't fans in attendance until someone hits a shot into the stands and it clangs off an empty seat. Bottom line, this version of the game works. I don't want to hear any complaints after what we've had to deal with since March. We haven't had live sports for months.  Sure it'll take a little getting used to, but it's still going to be baseball and that makes me so happy. If you don't like it then you probably didn't like the sport in the first place. We finally have shit to look forward to and gamble on. 

Get me to Thursday. Gerrit Cole. Max Scherzer. Corona stay the fuck away.