Thoughts & Prayers to Heidi Klum Who Can't Fit Into Her Jeans at Age 47 After 5 Months of Quarantine

Daily Mail - Heidi Klum can't fit in her 'favorite jeans any more' after gaining weight in lockdown.

The 47-year-old German supermodel admits she has relaxed her exercise regime whilst isolating at her Los Angeles home with her family during the coronavirus pandemic and has allowed herself to indulge in her top foods.

'I don't fit in my favorite jeans any more. I've eaten a little more and exercised a little less than I normally would, so I'll have to step it up to fit back into them,' she told the Sunday Express newspaper. 'Or I just have to get a bigger pair - and I'm fine with that as well.'

Heidi insists she's happy to be a little bigger at the moment and has urged women everywhere to not compare themselves to other people, especially the images posted on social media. 

Personally, if there's one thing I've tried to improve in myself since the start of the pandemic, it's to be more empathetic. To appreciate a little better the challenges other people are dealing with every day. The friends and family I have working in health care. Seniors, some of whom are lonely and isolated. The kids who missed out on months of school. The grads, some of whom are only now getting the graduation ceremony they were denied in the spring. Those battling addiction and depression and other health crises. 

But in all that reflection and a desire to be better, I have to admit I completely overlooked the plight of gorgeous, perfectly-proportioned, world famous Nordic superwomen. I mean, here I am, being all self-absorbed as I watch what was an acceptable dad bod degenerate into one that looks like I was found after floating in a harbor for three weeks, it never dawned on me how hard it must be for a model of Heidi Klum's stature. Figurative and literally. 

Allow yourself to walk in Heidi's $950 Pradas for one minute. You might be worried about gaining the Covid-15. Imagine her having to hide the Covid-1.5 on a 47-year-old frame with a Body Mass Index of 0.0. 

Those extra few ounces mean jack squat to you and me. But when you're a genetically gorgeous German with the cheekbones of a Valkyrie and the body of a Teutonic goddess, the it's a real life problem. And it means the pandemic has been really hard on you. And, by extension, all of us who are used to perfection in our reality TV hosts. 

So please, doctors, we beg of you. Find a cure. And give the vaccine to our supermodels first so that they can fit into their favorite jeans once more. They're counting on you, but so are we the public.