This "Did That Screw Fall Out?" Amusement Park Prank Should Be Punishable By Death


not sure why that video showed the 7 -second clip 15 times but enjoy I guess?



First, the people who thought this up should be sentenced to death by firing squad and nothing less.  Not cool, man. Not cool at all.  As if getting launched into the air on a machine that is controlled by a toothless carnie wasn’t scary enough, they go and pull that shit.  Nope they go ahead and pretend that the rusted out machine is losing parts right before launch.  “Oh shit!  The screw fell out!  Welp, see ya!”  WHOOSH!  Second, the joke is actually on the ride operator and the people in line watching.  One of these times they’ll find out they made a huge mistake by toying with people.  Because it’s about to be raining shit.  Poop falling from the heavens.  It’s all super funny and everybody on the ground is having a good laugh at the riders expense until the first turd lands on somebody’s shoulder.  Then?  Chaos.