Reader Email - My Brother Snuck Into the Winners Circle At the Kentucky Derby And Photobombed the Shit out of Bob Baffert


Reader Email

My brother snuck into the derby yesterday and then once inside proceeded to sneak into the owners section. After eating and drinking in various owners boxes for a few hours he proceeded to be be kicked out. However he snuck back in within minutes (I’m told security was extremely laid back)  Finally he found a group of people celebrating and decided to tag along with there group. Just so happened their horse just won the Kentucky Derby and he proceeds to initiate the greatest photobomb Churchill Downs has ever seen. This is the stuff of legends. 





Hilarious .  Like if you’re gonna sneak into the winners circle of the Kentucky Derby do it right and that’s what this guy did.  Just photobombing the shit out of Baffert.

The one thing I’m confused about is how he did this?  I actually thought the security was the tightest I’d ever seen at an event like this.  They checked your wristbands like 100 times where I was at.   I saw Gronk and Edelman get denied 10 times trying to sneak certified dimes into their section. Gronk even asked me if I had extra wristbands.  That’s how backwards and tight it was.  So I have no idea how this dude pulled this off, but god bless him.

PS – I’m still having flashbacks to Firing Line holding off American Pharaoh.  If that happened Hank the Bachelor would be green lighted as we speak.

Double PS – Did Bob Baffert say his kids had never been to the Derby?  Huh?  What kind of idiot sons does he have?