Remember How The Guy Did A Triple Back Flip On A Bike Last Week? This Is The Opposite Of That




So last week we had the dude who did the first-ever triple back flip.  It was awesome.  He nailed it and had all of his friends celebrate around him.  It was a joyous event to watch.  I was super duper obsessed with X Games stuff growing up (had a sweet Haro bike with four pegs that made all the ladies dry) and Dave Mirra was my guy.  I used to think it was the coolest shit in the world.  I’ll tune into X games stuff or events like that every once in a awhile just to see what’s happening.  So I was pretty pumped to see that motorcycle do three back flips last week.  This week?  We have the exact opposite of that.  We have a guy attempting to do something that resembles a BMX trick but ends up with a shattered back and horrified friends. I gotta say, as cool as it is seeing someone do an impossible trick, I almost like it more when people crash HARD.  Like, a lot more.  It’s the same reason I’d ever go to  NASCAR race.  I don’t give a shit about the race. I’d go to see a massive crash with cars and bodies flying every which way.  Just something about seeing someone fail as opposed to accomplishing something that makes it way better.