This Stoolie Got It 100000x Worse After The Mayweather/Pacquio Fight Than Anyone In The Ring (NSFL)




A buddy mine got hammered after the fight and was giving a girl a piggy-back ride home from the bar. He lost his balance and went down hard on his side. Somehow caught his ear on the pavement and about tore the fucker off (see NSFL pic). Chick dislocated her shoulder, and if you’re wondering how big this chick was, She was about 100lbs soaking wet. So yea, he was drunk.


Finally some action resulting from that fight. Seriously. A video of this drunk taking a digger with 100lbs of tits on his back would be wildly more entertaining than that Pussfest Of The Century. Floyd Mayweather made more money Saturday night than any major athlete has in their entire career. Would it have been so much to ask to see a little Cauliflower ear like this chap? You give me $100 million for less than an hours work and I’ll do laps in a shark infested pool filled with Magic Johnson’s blood. There literally isn’t ANYTHING I wouldn’t do for that amount of money for such a short period of effort.

At this point he might as well go all the way, Van Gogh it and send her the ear for dislocating her wing, right? Alas, I forgot that chivalry is dead.