Tucker Carlson Reacting To A Completely Bleeped Out Version Of Cardi B Explaining 'WAP' Is Laugh Out Loud Funny

Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, everyone knows exactly what Cardi B was saying and the fact that Fox News decided to play the clip of it at length while bleeping out every single word is laugh out loud funny. I mean the whole thing was a bleep. All of it. And somehow Tucker was able to maintain this face....

Like he's actually concerned. LOL. What a goober. Shout out to whoever the producer of that segment was, they sure know how to get clicks. For those of you who want the unedited version here it is…

And if you care about what Tucker Carlson thinks about wet ass pussy here's the rest of the clip. 2020. What a time to be alive.