Ryan Whitney Talking About Phillip Danault On Chiclets Was NOT What I Needed To Hear Right Now

**scrolls through instagram**

***listens closely***


I hate revisionist history. This was a deadline deal in 2016. The Hawks were going for back to back championships. They were buying at the deadline. I actually like that philosophy. Having said that…they had already acquired Andrew Ladd. Phillip Danault was getting regular minutes on the 4th line and he was looking pretty solid as a rookie and former 1st round pick. Giving up a guy like that, even for a player I really wanted at the deadline like Dale Weise, was foolish at best. It wasn't a guarantee that Weise would make the Hawks better than Danault would in the short term and Fleishmann never played in the NHL again after that season. That trade is impossible to excuse even in the context of chasing a 4th Cup. 

This is not my Stan blog. This just bothered me. I had to get it off my chest.