Cinnamon Toast Crunch Done Changed The Breakfast Game Yet Again By Selling Cinnadust In Stores

Look at Cinnamon Toast Crunch putting the entire planet on their back trying to rewrite the entire narrative on 2020 all by their damn selves! The CTC cinnamon sugar combo may be the greatest commodity in the cereal game that turns every day whole wheat and rice mini squares into the delectable treat that resides in Tier 1 of the cereal power rankings for everyone with fully functional taste buds. Being able to remix cereals with some CTC flavor, sprinkle some of that delectable treat on ice cream, or go Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and make yourself some real life cinnamon toast crunch cinnamon toast is proof that God is not only still alive but he actually does love us since this is the biggest game changer I've seen in the seasoning game since Trader Joe gave us Everything But The Bagel Seasoning.

The only knock I have is that Sam's Club somehow swiped up the exclusive to sling this delicious dust even though Chef Wendell looks exactly like the free samples guy at my beloved local Costco.

Giphy Images.

While we are here, I just want to shout out cinnamon for being criminally slept on in the spice game. It's by no means a franchise food but it makes everything it touches better from French toast to Life cereal to graham crackers and so much more. Pretty much what I'm saying is Cinnamon is the Nate Dogg of spices. Now I just remembered Nate Dogg is dead and I'm sad. RIP to a musical legend and welcome to the world to a culinary legend.

*I didn't see this blog ending with three Nate Dogg songs when I started writing it but I'm not gonna complain that it happened