Carmelo Anthony To Appear In The New Ninja Turtles Movie


Sporting News-  Carmelo Anthony may not have an NBA title like LeBron James, but it appears as though he will have something The King does not: a spot in an upcoming blockbuster action flick.  With no postseason basketball to keep him busy, the Knicks superstar is shooting scenes for the upcoming sequel “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Half Shell,” according to the Daily Mail.  Anthony was spotted on the TMNT set in Brooklyn this week and is said to have a cameo in the film. He won’t be the only NBA player to appear in the film. Several members of the Clippers, including J.J. Redick, who accidentally revealed the film’s title on a Grantland podcast; DeAndre Jordan, Matt Barnes, Austin Rivers and Spencer Hawes will appear in the film.


I kind of hate this move because movie roles should be for closers.  And Carmelo Anthony has certainly not been that while in New York.  But even with that being said, we can all agree that Melo is the perfect match to play Bebop or Rocksteady, right?  A seemingly tough opponent that can never finish the job when it truly matters.  Maybe he will just be that giant robot body that Krang lives inside of.  Just emotionless and kinda doughy.


Or I guess he could just play the role of an NBA player that was supposed to lead the Knicks to glory but instead led them to their worst record in franchise history.  Just don’t let him wear one of those stupid fucking hats.  But with an acting reel like this, there is really no limit to Melo’s range.

PS- Regardless of who is in the new Ninja Turtles movie, Melo will definitely be the Vanilla Ice of the flick.


PPS- That song is now stuck in your head for the rest of the day