This Pitch Is Exactly Why You Can't Replace Umpires With Robots

This is why you can't trust the robots. That rectangular box that sits representing the strike zone for all nine innings of each and every game of professional baseball? Can't trust it. Because according to that box this pitch was directly down the middle. Maybe the most perfect pitch ever thrown according to the computers and the robots. But I'm not a computer or a robot. I'm a human being. I side with human beings on all things human vs. inanimate object. And in this case the human being standing behind the catcher saw this clear as day. Ball one. Where did this pitch miss? Buddy, where didn't it miss. The strike zone, for starters. Maybe you didn't see it right because of the blistering 100 mph it traveled. But a trained eye like the one me and this umpire have would tell you every day of the week this is a ball. If you want to side with the robots and computers and graphics, be my guest. I wont soon forget you turning your back on your species in favor of the very instruments which will soon rise up and take us all down. It will be your Benedict Arnold behavior on days like today that enable their courage to pull off such a horrifying coup. I hope you're proud of yourselves.