HOLY HELL... First Trailer For The Batman With Robert Pattinson Released, And It's Insane

I'm blown away, man, absolutely fucking blown away.

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Everything revealed about this movie has been downright insane, and tonight was the cherry on top of the pre-release hype.

The craziest thing about that trailer? Director Matt Reeves said they have barely shot any of the movie. They had little footage to use and still put together a fucking badass teaser. Reeves went further into what the story is going to be about, as well, and I love it…

We've known for a while that it'd be a noir-driven movie, with a major detective element, but to hear that and then see the new footage has me as fired up as can be. Just wait until the world sees 'TENET' and all Pattinson-doubters realize ('Good Time', 'The Lighthouse', 'Lost City of Z') that he is a damn good actor.

There are tons of incredible actors (Zoe Kravtiz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as Riddler, Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordon, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, Andy Serkis as Alfred, Colin Farrell as Penguin), a fantastic visionary behind the movie, and much more. Is it dangerous to build the hype up this much this early? Of course… but fuck it… this movie is going to kick ass.

Trusting Matt Reeves is smart, the new 'Planet of the Apes' franchise was incredibly good and is fairly underappreciated. Batman is in good hands. My guy Robbie Fox, as big of a Batman fan as anyone, is all in…

GET ME TO 2021. (and to a movie theater)