IG Smokebomb Keliah Kang Needs Your Undivided Attention, Please

[Editor’s Note: This is solely a Clickbate Smits production. All about the content, pageviews, and jokes!]

HOT STUFF COMING THRU!!!  Don't know who Keliah is yet?  Well shame on you!  Over 2.1 MILLION people already appreciate Miss Kang, and you should, too!  At least before she melts IG to the ground with her BEAUTY!  Good for Keliah to be fighting the good fight, in the middle of a global pandemic, no less!  Down with Covid-19!  Up with personal health and beauty!  Go Keliah go!

KELIAH BREAK: Check in on Fortnight Boy and make sure he knows I'm still getting all of his PAGEVIEWS for him!


Thank you, Keliah!  Thank you!