The Judge Accused of Having Drunken Threesomes in Her Office Gets Fired

You may remember Kentucky Family Court Judge Dawn Gentry from the post I wrote about her last December:

Or from Reags update from a couple of weeks ago:

If not, please allow me to refresh your memory of her exploits. From my post:

A female judge in Kentucky has been accused of turning her chambers into a glorified frat house where she had threesomes and allowed employees to get drunk on the job. 

Family Court Judge Dawn Gentry allegedly gave attorneys preferential treatment if they appeased her sexual demands and donated to her campaigns for re-election.  

The 38-year-old  … flirted with attorneys over Snapchat, put pressure on them to sleep with her and, in one case, asked a female attorney to join her in a threesome with a former church pastor. …

Well we finally have a break in the case, more or less.

Fox News - A Kentucky judge accused of using sex and booze to turn her courtroom into a virtual frat house was kicked off the bench by a judicial panel on Monday. 

A five-member judicial commission voted unanimously to remove Kenton County Family Court Judge Dawn Gentry, who was suspended with pay in December pending a misconduct probe, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Gentry, 39, was accused of creating a rowdy atmosphere at the courthouse, hiring her boyfriend and bandmate, allowing drinking during work hours, and using sex, coercion, and retaliation against lawyers and court employees who didn’t back her political campaigns, the outlet said. …

The judge also propositioned her secretary, Laura Aubrey, to engage in a threesome with her and Penrose, the allegations said.

Aubrey testified during the misconduct hearing that the three later pulled a prank by making grunting noises inside the judge’s chambers for other employees to hear, the outlet reported.

Courthouse custodians, clerks, and other staffers testified to finding empty liquor bottles inside the chambers, and would also hear singing and guitar playing coming from behind the door.

One attorney, Katherine Schulz, told the panel that Gentry kissed her in a courthouse bathroom and also propositioned her for a threesome, which the lawyer said she turned down.

I will note that the commission stated that judges “should aspire at all times to conduct that ensures the greatest public confidence" and The Honorable Dawn Gentry failed to live up to those lofty standards. 

Sadly, we won't catch her using her office like it's the Grotto at the Playboy Mansion, hitting the sauce all day, asking her secretary for a little FFM action, simulating loud sex and jamming her tongue in female attorneys' mouths any more. The party's over. And that was "Gentry: Party of Three" most of the time, to hear everybody tell it. Some judges can't sit there all day listening to marriages break up, families descend into madness fighting over money and children's lives get turned upside down without needing some kind of release. And hers was slipping out of those robes and being the pivot woman of drunken orgies. Because sometimes just having one bandmate with a penis is not enough. 

The good news is that she can appeal, which her lawyers insist they will do. And if successful, the most fun courtroom in the nation will be back in business and the drinking lamp will be lit once again. If not, it's still not that big a tragedy because she can always go back into private practice and take that party on the road wherever she goes. While probably making a lot more money. So that is win/win. And if that's the case, my advice to anyone going through a divorce in Kentucky to look her up. She might not be the best lawyer in the state, but damned if she's not the one you want to do business with.