Right On Cue - Fifteen 2,500-Year-Old Human Coffins Discovered In Egyptian Tomb

CNET - Egypt's cultural heritage has suffered damage over the years due to looting and unauthorized excavations of historic burial sites. That's why a newly discovered collection of intact wood coffins found in a burial well in Saqqara is cause for excitement.

Egypt's cultural heritage has suffered damage over the years due to looting and unauthorized excavations of historic burial sites. That's why a newly discovered collection of intact wood coffins found in a burial well in Saqqara is cause for excitement.

The video doesn't give too much away, but the minister suggests the early finds are only the beginning of something bigger. The ministry intends to release a series of promotional films with new details about the burial site.

The archaeological team will work to uncover more artifacts and also try to identify the people inside the coffins and their positions in ancient Egyptian society.

An enigmatic granite sarcophagus made news in 2018 when authorities opened it up and discovered a weird red liquid along with remains inside. 

Hey archaeologists - 

yah you guys

How about you guys not touch those fuckin things and especially don't crack them open "to identify the people inside the coffins and their positions in ancient Egyptian society." 

At least not until January 1, 2021. 

Because at the rate we're going, this is all a part of the plan to unleash the next phase of misery and despair on the world. 

Has nobody seen The Mummy?

This shit wasn't a coincidence. 

Egypt has been pillaged and plundered for centuries. Everything to discover been discovered. Everything to find has been found.

Now you're telling me, in the year of our Lord 2020. The year from hell. In the middle of a worldwide nightmare archaeologists just happen to stumble across 15 sarcophaguses that have just been chilling for 2,500 years? 

Ok buddy.


If you're still not on board I encourage you to read Chief's Great Pyramids blog from a few hours ago.

Read just these few incredible facts about how the Great Pyramids were constructed and try to tell me with a straight face we're dealing with the same species responsible for them as the one that invented this sandwich.

This isn't going to end well. 

Especially with "authorities" stating "this is only the beginning…"

As if that's not ominous enough. 

Indiana Jones is not walking through that door. 

He's old.

Those coffins need to be gently put back where they were found, and sealed up forever. We have a world to get back on track which is hard enough without curses and the world being plunged into darkness.

Need more evidence? Glad you asked.