Look. At. This. Putt. From. Zach. Johnson.


Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! What a goddamn putt! That was some straight up Looney Tunes/Space Jam shit. Zach Johnson, the most electric man in golf, with maybe the most electric putt of all time. By far the coolest highlight of the day. You gotta have gigantic balls to even think that's going to work but that's where Zach Johnson thrives. At the US Open no less. Big Balls Johnson is what some people call him. Not sure if you heard the announcer but he compared it to Tiger'S chip-in at the 2005 Masters and you know what? I agree. Why not. A little outrageous to compare the two but I'm all for it. Riggs and Frankie will cry about it because they're a bunch of baby back bitches but that was awesome. I'm outta breath. I need a cigarette and a splash of cold water to the face. What a putt.

Zach fucking Johnson.

ADRIAN DENNIS. Getty Images.