The Rock Was More Jacked At 15 Years Old Than You Or I Will Ever Be




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What in the actual fuck?  If you ever wonder why you’re not taller or why you’re not naturally gifted with more athletic talent, look no further than Dwayne Johnson.  He took it all.  All of it.  He took all the genes or DNA or whatever the fuck it takes to be somewhat athletic.  He’s 15 in that picture!  His shoulders are wider than a Mack truck. He said in the video that he 6’4 and people thought he was a 30 year old narc wandering the halls of their high school.  Not to mention the wicked porn stache he has going on.  I still can’t grow a mustache and I’m a fully grown human.  15-year-old The Rock was in better shape and had better facial hair than I’ll ever have in my life.  How is that fair?  It’s not.  You wanna know what I looked like when I was 15?  A dinner roll.  I looked like a dinner roll.  Just completely round, no edges, no nothing.  Just a cooked ball of dough with no facial hair and no future.