If You're Going To Be A Sugar Daddy, You Might Want A Better Sales Pitch Than This Psycho Guy




This is a long one but I think an important read. Mostly because it’s literally impossible for you to have less game than this dude and you need to know that if you’re out there, this is the sad competition. Here’s a pro tip for all you guys (and aspiring Spags impostors out there):


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There has legit NEVER been a time in which a guy tells a girl “You’re so stuck up” and she’s like “Lol ur right lets go bang in the butt.” Never. I’m all for a good negging — a manipulative sex strategy used by lonely chauvinists — but calling a girl “stuck up” basically just means she’s not doing what you want and you don’t have enough game to get her where you need to be. She’s got her own volition there no matter how credible a Latino Facebook messenging sugar daddy might seem.


Also it goes without saying that anyone threatening to call cops or a lawsuit over messages sent online is the dumbest of the dumb:


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There comes a point for lawyers in every lovingly ill-thought relationship but immediately after you asked her if she wanted a sugar daddy right after she already told you “No” is not that time. Just bad sugar daddy business all around. Giving money away to chicks should be the easiest business around, no need to make it complicated by overthinking it/being Latino an absolutely horrendous human being with nothing of value to add.


(h/t @t_sievers7)