Dog Gets Caught Straight GIVING It To A Pillow On His Owner's Bed




Get it little buddy!  Absolutely going to town on that pillow.  It’s like when you still lived with your parents, they were outta the house and you finally got to masturbate in peace. You can do it out in the open.  Only for them to come home early and them see you being a monster in broad daylight.  The look on the dog’s face when the light turns on is priceless.  Just like, “OH HEY!  DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE.  Don’t mind me. I’m just busy having sexual intercourse with the thing you put your face on every night for 7+ hours.”  If the owner has any shred of decency he’d turn the light back off, let the little guy finish and then maybe burn the pillow.  Just give him this one.