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Dave Wasn’t Sure If Today Was His Dad’s Birthday (It’s Not)

One of my favorite things about hosting the Cousins is getting insight into the relationship between Dave and his father. They bicker and they constantly squabble but at the end of the day it’s rooted in their deep connection. 

Today there was a hilarious example of this close connection that spanned across both the Cousins radio show and the Davey Day Trader Global stream, and it all centered on the fact that Dave was unsure when his dad’s birthday actually is.

Well, that’s not entirely true. Dave knows it’s the 12th, but he’s just not sure what month that 12th falls on. 

It started innocently enough, with a comment by Dave on the live stream, wondering if in fact, today was his dad’s birthday.

News of this got to us on the air, and I brought it up because it seemed VERY out of the ordinary for Cousin Mike not to mention something so big in his world. He laughed and responded:

An important note, that he talks about alot, is that when Dave gets something in his brain, it’s impossible to get out. So having decided October 12th was Cousin Mike’s birthday, it’s there forever. So he began to muse out loud on whether it actually WAS his birthday, and how he needed to get on it FAST if it actually was.

Dave eventually began questioning his own brain, because he realized that his dad usually will remind him that his birthday is coming up. 

Ample evidence of this out there. Take for example the time when Kirk Minihane stated that he had a dream Dave would die on May 18th, which disturbed Cousin Mike so much he sent this text to his son:

Eventually our exchange got back to Dave, but lost in translation. We were talking about it NOT being Mike’s birthday. 

Eventually the truth of the matter reached Dave, who was able to set the record straight.

All’s well that ends well. NOT HIS DAD’S BIRTHDAY. Dave then played our radio clip on his live stream with a big smile on his face.

Is there any other place on earth like Barstool, where both the father and son are broadcasting at the same time and cross-referencing each other? Barstool is a wild, wild place. Cousin Mike even being on the air at all is an example of Dave being a mensch (check the Cousins’ ongoing Yiddish primer for what this means). Dave has said numerous times that when he first told Sirius he was giving his father a radio show, they said absolutely not. LOL years later and Cousin Mike and Cousin Murray are still going strong. 

And just as you might think, Cousin Mike (being more similar to Dave than either would like to admit) said he understands how Dave’s brain works. 

All of this was very funny, especially when you consider that the one birthday Dave actually can remember is Tim Cobbit, a grade school classmate he hasn’t seen in over three decades:

March 8th has been known as Tim Cobbit day at Barstool for as long as anyone can remember, because it’s been stuck in Dave’s brain since the 1980s. 

The great thing about this, as Dave noted on #DDTG, is that now Cousin Mike gets wished a happy birthday twice a year, which in the end is a win-win for both of them.

Gotta love those Portnoys. 

And don’t forget to mark down March 8th. Would love to see some national Tim Cobbit celebrations to honor his birthday.