The Pizza Hut Box That Turns Into a Movie Projector Is The Future

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The Verge - Pizza Hut thinks it can do more than just bring food to your front door. It wants to deliver your entertainment for the evening, too. At least, that’s the case in Hong Kong, where the pizza chain is delivering some pizzas in specially-designed boxes that convert into pseudo movie projectors. Designed by Ogilvy Hong Kong, the advertising stunt uses boxes with a perforated, pop-out hole in the side of the box. A very unique pizza table (also called a pizza protector) then serves as the projector’s lens. Slip the plastic lens into the hole, and then use the pizza table’s legs to prop up your smartphone inside the box. The contraption then blows up your phone’s display onto any nearby wall.

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Look, I’ll be real real here. This exact model of the invention more than likely sucks. It’s the first time anyone has ever converted a pizza box into a movie projector, I wouldn’t expect it to work. But if you can’t get behind the idea of a pizza box also being a movie projector than I don’t want to know you. People thought Edison was crazy for trying to invent the light bulb. People thought Columbus was crazy for thinking the Earth was round (still not sure if that is true or not or just some bullshit made up history they teach us to avoid the fact he was a mass murderer). And people will think Pizza Hut is crazy for taking a pizza box and turning it into a movie projector. But guess what, haters made them famous. The more you tell them that nobody wants to watch a movie projected fuzzily onto a wall with pizza grease dripping off their phone, the better this invention is going to get. Now, I for one would never be able to use this because LOL at being able to watch an entire movie without checking my phone. But I love the innovation. I love us moving into the 21st century. I can’t wait til we’re hanging pizza boxes from the ceiling and projecting movies onto our walls. The future is now.