Common Man Wednesday - A Tall Boy And A Rack

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Each Wednesday we're going to look at common man shit. I'm talking people throughout TV history. I'm talking random shit. Why? Because, that's what this company was founded on and that's the majority of people reading this. These blogs are going to be completely random, with random rankings in the middle and be all over the place. Can't help it. If you have suggestions for a common man activity or a common man, send it over. 

Last week I wrote this blog 'By The Common Man, For The Common Man.' 

I wanted to introduce this series about random common man shit and be able to blog longer form, random style. In that blog I wrote the 5 most common man things: 

5. Having a go-to t-shirt for going out, wearing around the house, going to the gym, etc and calling it that shirt. 

4. A cheeseburger and fries on a paper plate

3. Arguing about semantics regarding sports

2. Buying a case of Natty Light at a gas station with a tall boy on the side

1. Barstool Sports

The one that drew the most attention was obviously number 2. So that's what we're focusing on today. 

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I was unaware that so many people didn't do the rack of beer and a tall boy on the side. It's the perfect gas station order, no matter what state you're in or if you support Sheetz or Wawa. Sheetz is better though. It's simple. You get a 30 rack of whatever you want, preferably Natty Light and then said tall boy on the side like it's a thing of fries. It's the perfect amount for a gas station run. You're not loading up on cases at a Speedway. No, you're going to get a case, two typically at the most. I like to credit my college roommate for being the first person to introduce the order to me. 

Speaking of gas station orders, the 5 best gas station snacks while on a road trip: 

5. Twizzlers 

4. Cowtails 

3. Starburst

2. Sour Patch Kids

1. Beef jerky

The key though is sticking with the classics for the tall boy. Feel free to buy whatever rack you want (Natty Light for me) but there are limited options with the tall boys. I don't care for all these new developments where everything is now a tallboy. It's either Natty Light , Natty Ice, Bud, Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light or a Four Loko (we're ruling that out though). That was it. Those were your options. I don't want to hear you taking some local IPA as a tall boy now. 

Now you may be wondering what you do with said tall boy? Well you have two options and it all depends where you live. You're in a house at college or live down the street from a gas station you have option 1. You bring your tall boy koozie, yes everyone has one, and slap that bad boy on for a little road soda on the walk. Giving you the proper amount of time to show up at the house with a case of beer for the boys. Option 2? Wait until you get home, let the beer get a bit colder while you crack it open to enjoy the conversation before opening the case. Either one is fine. Both are necessary. 

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Adam Sandler's top-5 movie girlfriends

5. Virginia Venit (Julie Bowen/Happy Gilmore)

4. Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston/Just Go With It)

3. Dalia Hakbarah (Emmanuele Chriqui/You Don't Mess With The Zohan)

2. Donna Newman (Kate Beckinsale, Click)

1. Veronica Vaughn

So run to the gas station tonight. Get yourself a tall boy on the side. Enjoy it. It's a simple pleasure of life, which we love. See everyone next week.