I Sure Will Eat This Pizza That Has Hot Dog Bites As It's Crust

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Yep.  Would and will.  June 18th can’t get here fast enough.  I can’t wait to get my chubby fingers on that pizza.  We’re living in the Golden Age of junk food, people.  It’s time to embrace it.  Don’t shy away from it.  I already see people turning their noses up to this Hot Dog Bites Pizza and it makes me sick.  Get out of my country.  This is what America does.  We make the best awful, shitty, horrible-for-you foods and have a goddamn blast doing it.  People are starving all over the world?  Fuck’em.  We’re gonna attach hot dogs to our pizza crust.  That’s how we do it in the states and I love it.  Tell me that pizza doesn’t look good, you can’t.  You can tell me it doesn’t look healthy and that you can feel the grease on your face just looking at the picture.  That’s fine.  But don’t you dare tell me it wouldn’t be delicious to eat.  That’s what I don’t get.  It’s two classic foods smashed together.  It’ll taste good.  People know it’ll taste good but they’re too worried about their health and that it’ll make them fat.  Boo fucking hoo.  I’ll take 4.