Andrew Bogut Says What Everybody Already Knows: “Lebron Jumped Into the Cameraman”

USA TODAY - “I think he jumped into the cameraman. I think he came down and took two steps and then fell into the cameraman. I definitely, definitely didn’t hit him that hard.” When the reporter replied by saying, “That’s how you saw it?” Bogut said, “No, that’s how it was. If you look at the replay, you can see the two steps being taken and then him falling into the camera. That’s what we saw on the replay, and that’s what my teammates saw.”


Listen love Bron Bron or hate Bron Bron there can’t be any debate about what Andrew Bogut just said. Lebron dove into the cameraman. He obviously didn’t mean to slice his head open or did he? I guess we’ll never know. But I guess sometimes over acting and begging for attention comes back to bite you on the ass.