You Want Real Music? This Is Real Music

I'm getting real sick and tired of all these SoundCloud rappers getting famous after taking somebody else's beat and incoherently mumbling over it. Just because you package something as "emo rap" doesn't mean that it doesn't objectively fucking suck. I can count on one Jason Pierre-Paul hand the amount of musicians who have gotten famous over the last 5 years who actually have a shred of musical talent. It's sickening. 

But that doesn't mean that real music is dead. Real music ain't hear no bell yet! You just have to go searching a little harder for it these days. Instead of finding real music at the top of the charts, you have to go around to the streets to hear it in all its glory. Like this fella right here who could put every producer out of business with the beats he's laying down. He doesn't need a laptop to make music. He's got his body, his soul, and a shit ton of different instruments attached to him. Song of the summer right there. You gotta be dancin', you gotta be shakin' that ass. 
