Find Something You Love As Much As I Love How Much Action Bronson Loves To Boogie Board

Action Bronson single handedly brought back boogie boarding this summer when he was out there ripping some tasty waves and getting so pitted. 

But anybody can get out there and drop in to some waves in the summer. It's hot outside, the water is warm, chances are you're already at the beach anyway. 

It takes someone who is truly dedicated to the craft to get out there in November in that cold ass water and still shred all damn day long. You boogie board in the summer because it's fun. You boogie board in November because it's life. And clearly the sponge life is the life for Bronsoliño. 

Guy just gets it. Sometimes you need to unplug for a while and fully nuke some party waves. Everybody in the world is always so tense and argumentative and divided. Sometimes you just need a heavy session with the brothers to let it all go. If there's anybody who can help heal the world together, it's Mr. Baklava and the sponge life. 
