Teddy Bridgewater Went All Out For His 28th Birthday Dinner

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I appreciate a good birthday dinner. You get a small group of friends together, pick a slightly better restaurant than you normally go to, have a few fancy cocktails, split a few appetizers, have a nice steak or ravioli dish, and share laughs with some buds. You reflect on your last year, and look forward to the new one. 

And it's no different if you're me, or NFL quarterback Teddy Bridgewater, you don't hold back when it comes to the bday dinner:



Teddy Bridgewater, take a bow. That's my guy. Doesn't matter how rich you are, there is nothing better than a birthday dinner at the Olive Garden. I too celebrated my 28th birthday at the OG. We had cocktails, breadsticks, salad, soups, they did the cheese wheel thing, it was simply a delight. Filled up so much I barely ate my shrimp scampi! Had a nice freshly made tiramisu for dessert. It was wonderful.

I get not everyone can handle the Olive Garden. I mean, they put TWO forks on the table for you, that's high class. Some people are simply overwhelmed by the fine dining experience they provide. That's why I only go once or twice a week at this point. Any more and I'd be in the poor house! 

And fellas, this is just between me and you- chicks LOVE when you pick them up and take them to the Olive Garden. Let them know all week you're taking them to a fancy 'straunt, and they still won't see it coming when you roll up to the Olive Garden and they bring you your first batch of bread sticks. She'll be giving you a handy under the table before those after dinner mints get there. Guaranteed.