Marshawn Lynch Went To Heaven Last Night, Jumped Into An Endzone Full Of Skittles




First of all, I could watch Marshawn do just about anything. I know old stuffy sportswriters hate him and his non-answer interviews but I don’t care. Marshawn could talk or not talk forever and I will always watch. But, with that said, I feel like once he got Skittles to officially endorse him the whole Skittles thing sort of became a sell out. It’s like when your favorite band strikes it big and starts playing larger venues and going on mega tours. You’re happy that they get the exposure they deserve but there’s a part of you that wishes you were back in some dungy basement with 500 people. And it’s not with Marshawn, he seems genuinely happy to be doing the nut grab into a tub full of skittles, it’s more that Skittles is taking advantage of him. I’m happy Marshawn is happy but I can’t help but shake the feeling that there is some rich corporate suit standing off to the side counting all the money this stunt is making him. Something just feels off, that’s all.




And that was the time I admitted that my favorite band is actually a Candy. Good talk guys.




Also the “talk and not talk” line above reminded me of one of the funniest movies of all time. Such a classic.