Gritty Further Cements His Legacy As The Best Mascot After His Cameo In "Big Mouth"

I haven't gotten around to watching the new season of Big Mouth yet so I don't totally understand the context of this Gritty cameo. But more likely than not, Gritty went on a week long bender with Maury. We're talking hookers, blow, enough horse tranquilizers to take down the entire Kentucky Derby. They run out of booze so Gritty hops in his car to go get some more. He gets pulled over by the cops and in a desperate plea for freedom, he rats on Maury back at the house who has more drugs on him than Robert Downey Jr in the late 90s. 

That's just the way Gritty rolls. Total scumbag who only cares about himself. And now with Maury in jail, Gritty immediately turns his attention to that fine piece of ass Connie. Time for that horny bastard to go to plow town. 

Now as much as you may or may not like Gritty, the dude is packing a certified wrench. We're talking a Craftsman 17mm. Naturally Connie is going to catch some feelings for Gritty. He's an absolute stallion. But Gritty isn't about that life. He can't even spell monogamy, let alone practice it. So he's gotta do what he's gotta do. He breaks the shit out of Connie's heart. She's devastated. She's ruined. She has to go home to visit her parents to get over this one. But she can't just leave Jessi all on her own. 

So Connie asks Gritty if he can be her hormone monster just until she gets back. Gritty is an asshole, don't get me wrong. But he's not a total dick. So he agrees to do her this one last favor. The good news is Gritty has a long, storied history about dealing well with children. 

Again, I haven't watched the latest season yet so I'm not totally sure if that's how it goes down. But I can't imagine I'm very far off. 

Regardless, you're not seeing any other professional sports team mascots getting some premium screen time on hit animated Netflix series. Gritty is the GOAT. 
