Florida State's MJ Walker Throwing Down A Massive Dunk And Doing The Iverson Step Over Is Fucking Awesome

That's so fucking awesome. We need more of this. Give me dudes talking shit after throwing down a massive dunk. Pretty sure MJ Walker is ready to flex as he's stepping here

If you do something cool, you should celebrate. It's sports. You don't like it? Fine. Stop MJ Walker from dunking directly on you. Hell, it wasn't even the most disrespectful celebration in this game. Scottie Barnes just straight up started to dance after dunking

When I eventually take college basketball over, we will not be giving technicals for any of this. We will encourage it. I want every sort of disrespectful celebration in the books and there's none colder than the AI step over on Lue. Gotta feel for the dude on Florida here. Never a good spot to be when you're losing, getting dunked on and stepped over. Just gotta pull yourself out of the game for a minute. Pretend like you need to catch your breath. You can't do anything to get back at Walker here.