We've Got Ourselves An Anti-Masker Rant For The Ages At A California Costco

Source - The COVID vaccines aren't convincing this guy to put on a face covering and ride out the storm -- instead, he climbed a Costco clothing rack armed with a megaphone and let 'er rip.

This rant heard round the wholesaler went down Sunday in Tustin, CA ... and the guy taking the stand against face masks was greeted with a mix of fist bumps and haters.

Some Costco shoppers showed support, apparently picking and choosing when to listen to science ... since they opted for fist bumps instead of handshakes. Others tried to stop the madness, but most remained focused on their shopping lists.

You know what the best part about this vaccine is going be? Never hearing from people like this again. Never hearing from the literal lunatics whose entire personalities have become COVID to the point where they spend every waking moment of their lives preaching their thoughts on a disease they know nothing about. Like imagine a world where you wake up, lean over to the wife and say, "Honey...today's the day. I'm going to head down the local Costco and do some 'rona-preachin.'" Imagine that! It's like these people don't even live on this planet. 

The best part is, the guy who's preaching about not wearing masks...is wearing a mask! There it is around his chin...

And where were the employees of the store? How was up there for two minutes and no one even approached him? Do they not care? Were they afraid? Annoyed? Get him the fuck off the jeans and kick him out. No one, I repeat no one, deserves to have their shopping trip interrupted by that. There's a time and a place for everything and that time and place is never in a Costco. Costco's are for shopping- that's it. 

I guess all we can do is laugh. The world is filled with crazy people and the pandemic has for some reason brought them out of the woodwork. Hopefully this guy got whatever it is he needed to get out of his system out of his system because I don't want to see anymore of him. None of us do. 

Giphy Images.