Jim Boeheim Says Buffalo Will Never Be Invited To Play At Syracuse Again Because *GASP* They Were Talking Trash During A Game

[Syracuse] - Boeheim said Buffalo players talked trash during the game and then complained afterward that they should have won.

“Buffalo trash-talked the whole game,” Boeheim said. “They were trash-talking after the game. So there’s no way they’re ever going to play here again. We don’t need that and it’s not very representative of what you should do. They’re up there, ‘Well, we should have won.’ No. You play 40 minutes. Then you play an overtime. Who is ahead at end of the game is the team that should win. That’s the team that should have won. Period.

“Not to say you didn’t have a chance to win. But you didn’t win. To say you should have won. ... Nobody should ever say that. I try never to say that. I try to say we could have won. We were in position to win at Rutgers. We were three up with five minutes to go. ... They made the plays down the stretch and they’re a real good team and we didn’t have two starters.”

What a soft ass complaint this is by Jim Boeheim. Buddy, you won. Who gives a shit if a team was talking shit. You'd think a guy who has been coaching the same school for roughly 75 years would know that teams talk shit during games. It's normal. Big fucking deal? Shit, Boeheim once talked shit about the entire city of Greensboro. There's no one who is a cranky old man like Boeheim. 

If anything this quote makes Boeheim and Syracuse look softer than anything I've ever seen in college basketball. Refusing to play a team because they talked shit. That's worse than just not playing your non-conference games immediately after a loss. There's only one thing for Buffalo to do here. Immediately do nothing but talk shit when asked about Syracuse and start inviting them to play at Buffalo. Make Boeheim say no publicly every year until Syracuse eventually has a new coach. Hell, enlist Bills Mafia if you have to, they'll be more than happy to help I'm sure. 

Outside of charges, I can't think of something that annoys me more than when a ref gives a technical for a guy taunting or talking shit. It's sports! It's competitive! You're supposed to shit like that. It happens at every level. Hell, it doesn't even just happen in sports. Hop on the Internet one time for me. But I've never seen a coach refuse to play someone because of that. There wasn't a fight. It's not like it got physical or shit like that. We're talking about shit talking. One of the purest forms of entertainment is talking shit. 

So damn soft.