James Harrison Talking About His Fear Of Getting Fat And The Body Positivity Movement Is Just As Good As It Sounds

It took everything I had not to laugh out loud when he was saying because I knew it wasn't true. Guys like this...

no matter what they tell you, are not fans of the body positivity movement. They're fans of the gym. They're fans of crushing the gym. Destroying it. Making it their bitch, if you will. Regardless, James and I spoke for 40 minutes on this today's Out & About and that was by far my favorite part. I almost asked him what he meant when he said, "if it's done in a manner that I think it should be done in", but I decided not to push it. Even so, the entire episode was great and we covered a ton of ground. Mainly about his relationship with fitness and how regular people like us can stay motivated in the gym during the new year. 

We also did a rapid fire round of questions about his time in the league that didn't disappoint. I got him to open up about about his relationship with the Steelers organization, his time with Brady and Belichick, and a bunch of other stuff that I know you guys will love. Here's a teaser…

That's all you get. Oh, and for my gay listeners…he tells you exactly how to get abs for the summer. You're welcome. You can listen to the episode in its entirety HERE




His part starts at 10:57 is you want to skip around. Also be sure to follow us on IG here and twitter here. Love you all.