Andre Drummond Had Perhaps The Worst Offensive Possession In The History Of Basketball

Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, LeBron, Steph Curry, the NBA is littered with players that helped revolutionize the game we see today. Styles have changed from era to era to the point where the game might look unrecognizable to some. That's the feeling I get watching Andre Drummond on this play. It's as if he's playing a different sport. What the hell is he doing exactly? From holding the ball for an eternity to then attempting what has to be the slowest carry in NBA history into some sort of reverse finger roll, the entire thing was a roller coaster of emotions. Andre Drummond is elite when it comes to things like rebounding and blocking shots. It's important to know where your strengths lie in life. This is where the NBA in 2020 got the best of Drummond. Suddenly every big man thinks they're Anthony Davis or something. That's a player I want making a move like that. It's a shame too because Drummond was fairly dominant in the surprising Cavs win with 22/15, but none of that matters after a sequence like that. Now you're viral on Twitter and as we know Twitter is the only thing that matters.

I know it's only in the beginning stages of the season, but I'm confident we won't see a play that brings you more entertainment than this. A gift from the Shaqtin-A-Fool Gods. The fact that it's so bad is what makes it so good. I would love to ask Drummond his thought process here. Did he realize he was in big trouble as soon as his slow as molasses crossover(?) didn't fool his defender in the slightest and so he panicked/blacked out/had a brain aneurysm? When the play started I thought he was actually about to throw a pretty nice pass to the cutter underneath the basket but then all hell broke loose.

Meanwhile, the Cavs are 5-4, Isaac Okoro had two HUGE plays down the stretch and they won while missing basically their entire team. All in all a pretty eventful night and another reason why every night in the NBA is must watch.