Airline Tries To Prevent A Ginger Girl From Flying Because.. Well.. Gingers Are Gross


FoxNews – Etihad Airways has apologized to a Scottish family after airline staff prevented a redheaded teen with a naturally pale complexion from boarding, saying she looked “sickly.”

Grace Wain, 14, was traveling with her family to the Maldives for a vacation on Monday, July 6.  After arriving at the Manchester airport to catch a connecting flight to Abu Dhabi, the tired teen, who was standing close to her mother, was called out by an agent at the check-in desk… “One of the Etihad check-in girls then made the decision that she wasn’t fit to fly based on the fact she was pale in color and was leaning against her mum.”


Before I get started here, let me just say that I have plenty of ginger friends. Hell, a few of my best friends growing up were ginger. So obviously I’m not anti-ginger, but I am going to just be a straight shooter here for a second. Etihad Airlines was 100% in the right here. Like imagine if you were from Abu Dhabi (if that is even a real place or not) and you’ve never seen a ginger before in your entire life. Shit would blow your mind the first time you saw one in the flesh. You probably thought they were just some ancient mythical creature with no soul and then out of no where, bam, one shows up at your jetway gate. I’d be so freaked out. And also, what does a ginger think is going to happen once he or she gets to Abu Dhabi. After doing some quick investigative work, I’ve fond that Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and basically hot as tits 24/7. All the gingers I know need at LEAST spf 75 if they’re going to be spending anything longer than 30 minutes at the Jersey Shore. I don’t think they make sunscreen powerful enough to deal with some Middle East Desert rays. So that’s just Etihad Airlines looking out for the well being of this little girl. They know that fair complexion will get murdered out there in the desert within a day but I guess some gingers just have to find that out the hard way. Regardless, I think we should applaud Etihad Airlines for their quick heads up thinking rather than reprimand them for possibly ruining a little girl’s “dream” vacation. Like momma always said, better safe than sorry.

h/t Tim

Ginger Appreciation Day: