Armie Hammer’s Private Instagram Included Pictures of a Woman in Lingerie on All Fours and Him Bragging About Passing Drug Tests While Doing DMT

Every day something new comes up about Armie Hammer. This time it’s that this idiot had a private Instagram account that he only let his friends follow where he posted these pictures and videos...

I firmly believe that Armie Hammer wanted to get caught. First off, why is he DMing these girls from his main insta if he has this private insta or “finsta” one might say. Also, WHY DOES HE HAVE A FINSTA? Just putting shit out there on the internet thinking no one’s ever going to find it? This guys just blatantly talking about doing drugs while trying to pass a drug test so he can see his kids. If you’re a celebrity anything you post on the internet, whether you think it’s private or not, you should be prepared for it to get leaked one day.  It also seems like maybe Armie doesn’t even care that this is happening since this is his most recent finsta post...

He’s an absolute maniac. The fact that he’s just enjoying a milkshake while the rest of the internet calls him a cannibal is all you need to know about this guy.

For all the details of the Armie Hammer scandal listen to today’s Chicks in the Office episode here:

