Cristiano Ronaldo Is The Worst Type Of Co-Worker

[Source] - Ronaldo also impressed Arthur with his efforts in training.

"He trains like an animal, he doesn't know when to rest and he encourages you to give your all," he said."He always tells me what to eat, not leaving anything to chance."

Speaking to ITV in 2019, Evra said: "I would give advice to anybody, when Cristiano invites you for lunch at his house, just say no.

"He just finished and he stood up and he started playing with a ball, doing some skills and he said, 'Let's do some two-touch.'

Evra added: "I was like, can I just finish eating? He said 'No, no let's play two-touch.'

Ronaldo is one of the greatest soccer players ever. It's not even like the NBA or anything where he bounces around teams. He's played for just 4 different clubs in his senior career - Sporting, Man U, Real Madrid and now Juventus. But this? This just shows that Cristiano Ronaldo is the worst type of co-worker. What are you doing telling people what to eat? What are you doing ordering people to stop eating so you can play two-touch? That guy is an asshole. I'm not talking Ronaldo specifically, just that sort of co-worker. 

There's even more to it: 

“In the coach, on the way back, Ronaldo said to me: ‘What are you going to do now as soon as we get back?’ I replied: ‘It’s 11pm, I’m going home, why?’

“And he added: ‘Don’t you want to have a small training session with me? I didn’t sweat in the game, I have to train. Don’t you want to keep me company?’

Think about if a co-worker came up to you on a Tuesday and said 'hey, it was a slow day here in the office, I'm going to go grab dinner and come back all night. You in?" You'd slap that person. You don't want to work in Excel any longer than you have to. You don't want to practice sales calls. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand a pro athlete is different than a mid-level accountant. But we're talking about work here. We're talking about going home and relaxing, even if you didn't get in that match. I'm surprised Ronaldo didn't call him out for wanting to go home and put on pajamas and rest. I'd assume he'd just bicker at him and nag him until he said yes. 

Shit, even his partner said she is ashamed to work out with him. Just a reminder, this is Georgina Rodriguez

I'd be ashamed to be in the same room as her, let alone work out with her. And sure all this crazy workout shit has turned Ronaldo into one of the greatest players ever. But it sounds miserable. No alcohol? No thank you. Not wanting me to sleep or just go home and rest? No thank you. Calling me out for not being done eating your plain ass chicken? Absolutely no thank you. Plain chicken sounds awful. Slap some seasoning on there or at the minimum give me barbecue sauce. I don't care if it makes you do shit like this, count me out on acting like this.