Our Calgary Stampede Threesome Girl Is Already A Featured Stripper With An Agent Up In Canada

(Vice)Alexis Frulling stands center stage at Peelerz, a self-titled “rig pig strip club” located in the small industrial town of Nisku, Alberta, just south of Edmonton. An announcer is on stage and asking the crowd whether or not they want to see her naked. The announcer turns to Frulling and asks her if she enjoyed her Stampede. “I did,” she says with bravado. “I saved one horse and rode two cowboys.” The packed crowd roars in approval and, as the Big & Rich country song starts to play, Frulling readies herself for her first dance. Frulling never thought she would end up dancing at a strip club. But at this moment, she now has one of the most searchable names in Canada. She is unemployed, and the attention from the video has significantly hurt, if not downright eviscerated, her job prospects in her hometown. For a young woman freshly out on her own who needs to pay the bills, having no income is not an option. In the days after she became a public figure, her phone kept ringing—on the other end of the line were people offering her money to come “entertain” at clubs. She said no at first but finally relented after days of offers. The calls got to be so much that she had to get an agent. Prior to this evening, she’d worked in strip clubs as a bartender, but never thought she would be the one on stage. Now, Frulling is topless on stage, surrounded by young men crowding the stage, cheering for her, and willing to part with some money for a picture. She has a dance background, so being on stage isn’t strange, and she looks natural as she dances. She tells me that she tries not to have a routine and tries to keep it purely improvisational. Up until her final dance of the night she kept her bottoms on and only went topless, but this dance is different. Everyone in perv row acting as if with a group mind—not that different from the online masses that got her here—begin banging the chrome siding in unison to create a thunderous noise. It reverberates through the whole of the bar shaking the directional oil rig signs that hang upon the walls. It almost overwhelms the music that’s being blasted at far too loud of a volume. Frulling takes a few steps and without hesitation strips completely.

That story kind of gets depressing so I edited down to the important parts (the stripping). Of course, people have been fucking assholes to this girl online and it’s made her depressed and moved out of her parents house and she can’t get a normal job and all that. However, I’ve been on the exact opposite end of the spectrum since day one. Love this chick. Of course she was going to start stripping/porn. When life hands you lemons you make lemonade, when life catches you fucking two guys in a back alley use your newfound fame to start working at booty clubs. Look not everyone makes great decisions all the time. Sometimes you get arrested at NFL headquarters and make national news and realize “Shit, ok, so I can never do anything else for the rest of my life because one Google search shows I’m a fucking moron.” Other times you suck dick while getting fucked by a dumpster and the world watches and you realize “Shit, ok, I can never do anything else for the rest of my life because one Google search shows I’m a bit of a freak.” So what do people like us do, Alexis? We survive. The only way to save yourself is to just go deeper. Embrace it all. I’ll keep saying dumb shit on the internet, you keep taking your clothes off in public, and we’ll both be OK. Promise. (Don’t hold me to that promise)

PS – I fucking love Canada. Last loonie in the bucket sounds like a blast.

After her shows, because there are no posters for Frulling to give out, they put a pitcher in the middle of the stage to play a game of “last loonie in the bucket.” Patrons throw one-dollar coins into the bucket and, as the name states, the person who throws the last one gets to take home a pair of Frulling’s panties.