BIGGEST NEWS OF THE WEEK: We Finally Have A Release Date For The New Mighty Ducks TV Series
Think about all the legends who have come before us.
Conway. That Cake Eater Banks. Hans. Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson. Gunner Stahl and then the same actor playing Scooter Holland in D3. Charlie's mom.
Some of the most prolific, historic characters in cinematic history were introduced to us in the Mighty Ducks Trilogy. And now on March 26th, the saga continues.
3/26/21 needs to be a National Holiday. I can guarantee you right now that there ain't shit getting done in the world that day. The world will come screeching to a halt as everybody logs into their respective Disney+ accounts to welcome a new era of Ducks into our lives.
Oh and I know they're pulling this bullshit nonsense where they are trying to turn the Ducks into the bad guys here. But I will never not root for the Ducks. Especially when they've got an absolute beautician of a coach like Dylan Playfair.

Could you imagine the fireworks that would go off in this show if Shoresy ended up making a guest appearance? Just going off on this kid about taking Lauren Graham to plow town? Holy shit I need it like I need air to breath.
But yeah. March 26th. Maybe I should live blog the series? Or we can have some sort of watch party? I don't know. We're still a couple months out so we have plenty of time to strategize here.
Quack quack quack quack. Ferda.