Can We Locate This Scum Loser Who Stole The Donation Change Bin Out Of A Philly Wawa?

NBCPhiladelphia – A man wearing a Flyers hoodie swiped a charity change container right off the counter of a Northeast Philadelphia Wawa. Philadelphia Police released surveillance video on Thursday showing the June 18 heist inside the store at 6400 Torresdale Avenue in the city’s Tacony section. In the video from around 6:25 that morning you see the medium-built, clean-shaven man – who donned a bright orange Flyers hoodie and dark sweatpants – pull his white sedan into a disabled parking zone. He then enters the store and approaches the counter where the jar sat in front of a register. You can see the man – who also wore a white “NY” hat under his hood – touching the jar then looking around as people line up to check out. After a short period of time the man quickly leaves the store – donation jar in hand.

What an asshole. Can we find him then draw and quarter him through the streets as an example? Only a true, blue lowlife would sink this low. Hope this jackass enjoys getting manhunted and piped in prison for the $55 in change he swiped off a Wawa’s countertop. Also, anybody wearing a Flyers hoodie with a NY hat can’t be trusted in today’s society. Switch that Flyers shirt to Pens and I bet he’s pissed off the Lakers and Cowboys are going to have rough seasons, too.