Gritty Hung Full Dong On National Television And It's About Time The NHL Does Something About This Maniac

[Jordie's Note: This blog was written yesterday so just pretend you are reading this 24 hours in the past]

And here I was thinking that the NHL was trying to put on some good, clean family fun on their broadcasts. Thought the league would be attempting to draw in a younger audience to build a solid fanbase for the future. And what do they go out there and do?

Let the biggest scumbag in the league hang dong in the middle of the broadcast. He went full Thundergun. Gritty out there showing his bare dick and nuts for the whole world to see. Dude was letting it all hang out for pretty much the whole game. Just helicopter dicking everybody's TV all night long. God forbid you were watching on anything larger than a 32" TV because that Gritty wrench would be an imagine that would haunt your dreams for the rest of eternity. Christ, Gritty. Think about the kids, you dirtball. 

If I'm Gary Bettman, I can't be having this sort of tomfoolery happening on one of my broadcasts. The league's contract with NBC runs up at the end of this year. The NHL needs to be doing everything they possibly can to secure the bag on the next broadcasting rights deal. Whether that's with NBC again, or ESPN, or maybe Amazon Prime now that the next CEO of Amazon is a minority owner of the Kraken. Moral of the story is there are millions upon millions of dollars on the line here, and the league can't afford to let Gritty jeopardize that by blasting his hose on national TV for a full game. 

And yes, I'm writing this blog just because I am currently angry at the Flyers currently. Up 3-1 last night and then as soon as that try hard Gritty sends this nude to everybody watching at home, the Flyers completely fall apart and lose in overtime. Gritty is a menace who needs to lay low for a while. So I'm counting on Uncle Gary to suspend his orange ass until further notice. 
