Tyrann Mathieu Should Probably Stop Talking Shit To Tom Brady

Just earlier in tonight's game...

Tyrann Mathieu, an objectively good player, talking shit to literally the most accomplished athlete in the sport's history. I love a good kerfuffle as much as the next guy but you're talking about Tom Brady in a Super Bowl. You know you're fucked when you get on his radar like this. No surprise Brady subsequently started his sub-one-minute 1st half surgery starring a hole through 32's fucking chest. Repeatedly targeting him again and again, even using 32's substandard man-press slot coverage skills against himself in the red zone. 

Shortly thereafter you can immediately guess what happens next. Slant rocket touchdown right down 32's throat. As predictable as TB12 being here in the first place. 

Rinse and fucking repeat. There's a reason he's the best and it's because he can just completely eviscerate a peer on the world's biggest stage. Just kidding he's the GOAT because he's been to 10 fucking super bowls and there's legit no sign that he's stopping any time soon. But making a fool out of 32 certainly adds to the legacy. I can't wait to take my unborn, unseeded, future child to his retirement game in 2036. For now though I suppose we can all just enjoy how good he is at tea-bagging clowns.