Myles Garrett Looks Like He Would Average 30 and 10 In The NBA Right Now

A big GUARD? Holy mother of God. As rare as this combination of speed, size, and athleticism looks on actually looks weirdly familiar. Where have I seen this before?

Oh shit, I know:

Giphy Images.

Listen, I know people always debate the hypotheticals like LeBron James playing tight end in the NFL, but do we honestly think Myles Garrett couldn't average at least a double-double in the league right now? Frank Kaminsky gets himself 7 points and 4 boards a night, and he looks like this:

Giphy Images.

Myles Garrett, on the other hand, looks like this:

Getty Images.

Serious question though: you've got a game tonight and you need 10 points and 10 rebounds from your big man. Who you taking: Myles Garrett or Kelly Olynyk? I'll tell you right now the answer is NOT the 9-year vet out of Gonzaga. Be honest with yourself.

I mean, Mark Cuban has to be wondering if this tweet was serious or not. Gotta at least make a call, right? And if Cuban doesn't reach out, the Cavs definitely should. We've lost 10 of our last 12 and are giving meaningful minutes to Dean Wade. No, not D Wade, DEAN Wade.

David Liam Kyle. Getty Images.

Say what you want, but if you lined these two up at the YMCA, Dean Wade gets picked after Myles Garrett every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Unfortunately Myles Garrett is pretty busy on Sundays throughout most of the Fall.

Oh, and to all the commenters being like, Zion would put Myles on a poster. Uhhhh, okay? Who doesn't he put on a poster? Don't compare Myles Garrett to one of the most athletic, explosive players this game has ever seen. Compare him to Dean Wade.